olsr.org OLSR daemon olsrd logo
This is a automatically generated configuration file based on the current olsrd configuration of this node.

# Configuration file for olsr.org -
# automatically generated by olsrd-cnf parser v. 0.1.2

# OLSR.org routing daemon config file
# This file contains ALL available options and explanations about them
# Lines starting with a # are discarded

#### ATTENTION for IPv6 users ####
# Because of limitations in the parser IPv6 addresses must NOT
# begin with a ":", so please add a "0" as a prefix.

### Basic configuration ###
# keep this settings at the beginning of your first configuration file

# Debug level (0-9)
# If set to 0 the daemon runs in the background, unless "NoFork" is set to true
# (Default is 1)

DebugLevel  0

# IP version to use (4 or 6)
# (Default is 4)

# IpVersion 4

### OLSRd agent configuration ###
# this parameters control the settings of the routing agent which are not
# related to the OLSR protocol and it's extensions

# Clear the screen each time the internal state changes
# (Default is yes)

# ClearScreen     yes

# Should olsrd keep on running even if there are
# no interfaces available? This is a good idea
# for a PCMCIA/USB hotswap environment.
# (Default is yes)

# AllowNoInt  yes

# LockFile
# The lockfile is used to prevent multiple OLSR instances running at the same
# time.
# (Linux/BSD default is "/var/run/olsrd-ipv(4/6).lock")
# (Win32 default is "-ipv(4/6).lock")

# LockFile "lockfile"

# Polling rate for OLSR sockets in seconds (float). 
# (Default is 0.05)

Pollrate  0.10

# Interval to poll network interfaces for configuration changes (in seconds).
# Linux systems can detect interface statechange via netlink sockets.
# (Defaults is 2.5)

# NicChgsPollInt  2.5

# TOS(type of service) value for the IP header of control traffic.
# (Default is 16)

# TosValue 192

# FIBMetric controls the metric value of the host-routes OLSRd sets.
# - "flat" means that the metric value is always 2. This is the preferred value
#   because it helps the linux kernel routing to clean up older routes
# - "correct" use the hopcount as the metric value.
# - "approx" use the hopcount as the metric value too, but does only update the
#   hopcount if the nexthop changes too
# (Default is "flat")

# FIBMetric "flat"

### Linux specific OLSRd extensions ###
# these parameters are only working on linux at the moment, but might become
# useful on BSD in the future

# SrcIpRoutes tells OLSRd to set the Src flag of host routes to the originator-ip
# of the node. In addition to this an additional localhost device is created
# to make sure the returning traffic can be received.
# (Default is "no")

# SrcIpRoutes no

# Specify the proto tag to be used for routes olsr inserts into kernel
# currently only implemented for linux
# valid values under linux are 1 .. 254
# 1 gets remapped by olsrd to 0 UNSPECIFIED (1 is reserved for ICMP redirects)
# 2 KERNEL routes (not very wise to use)
# 3 BOOT (should in fact not be used by routing daemons)
# 8 .. 15 various routing daemons (gated, zebra, bird, & co)
# (defaults to 0 which gets replaced by an OS-specific default value
# under linux 3 (BOOT) (for backward compatibility)

RtProto 3

# Specifies the routing Table olsr uses
# RtTable is for host routes, RtTableDefault for the route to the default
# internet gateway (2 in case of IPv6+NIIT) and RtTableTunnel is for
# routes to the ipip tunnels, valid values are 1 to 254
# There is a special parameter "auto" (choose default below)
# (with smartgw: default is 254/223/224)
# (without smartgw: default is 254/254/254, linux main table)

RtTable 254
RtTableDefault 254
RtTableTunnel 254

# Specifies the policy rule priorities for the three routing tables and
# a special rule for smartgateway routing (see README-Olsr-Extensions)
# Priorities can only be set if three different routing tables are set.
# if set the values must obey to condition
# RtTablePriority < RtTableDefaultOlsrPriority
# < RtTableTunnelPriority < RtTableDefaultPriority
# There are two special parameters, "auto" (choose fitting to SmartGW
# mode) and "none" (do not set policy rule)
# (with smartgw: default is none/32776/32786/32796)
# (without smartgw: default is none/none/none/none)

RtTablePriority 4294967295
RtTableDefaultOlsrPriority 4294967295
RtTableTunnelPriority 4294967295
RtTableDefaultPriority 4294967295

# Activates (in IPv6 mode) the automatic use of NIIT
# (see README-Olsr-Extensions)
# (default is "yes")

UseNiit no

# Activates the smartgateway ipip tunnel feature.
# See README-Olsr-Extensions for a description of smartgateways.
# (default is "yes")

# SmartGateway no

# Signals that the server tunnel must always be removed on shutdown,
# irrespective of the interface up/down state during startup.
# (default is "no")

# SmartGatewayAlwaysRemoveServerTunnel no

# Determines the maximum number of gateways that can be in use at any given
# time. This setting is used to mitigate the effects of breaking connections
# (due to the selection of a new gateway) on a dynamic network.
# (default is 1)

# SmartGatewayUseCount 1

# Determines the take-down percentage for a non-current smart gateway tunnel.
# If the cost of the current smart gateway tunnel is less than this percentage
# of the cost of the non-current smart gateway tunnel, then the non-current smart
# gateway tunnel is taken down because it is then presumed to be 'too expensive'.
# This setting is only relevant when SmartGatewayUseCount is larger than 1;
# a value of 0 will result in the tunnels not being taken down proactively.
# (default is 0)

# SmartGatewayTakeDownPercentage 25

# Determines the policy routing script that is executed during startup and
# shutdown of olsrd. The script is only executed when SmartGatewayUseCount
# is set to a value larger than 1. The script must setup policy routing
# rules such that multi-gateway mode works. A sample script is included.
# (default is not set)

# SmartGatewayPolicyRoutingScript 

# Determines the egress interfaces that are part of the multi-gateway setup and
# therefore only relevant when SmartGatewayUseCount is larger than 1 (in which
# case it must be explicitly set).
# (default is not set)

# SmartGatewayEgressInterfaces

# Determines the offset of the smart gateway egress interfaces mark that are
# used in the policy routing rules in a multi-gateway setup. Only relevant
# when a multi-gateway setup is used.
# (default is 91)

# SmartGatewayMarkOffsetEgress 91

# Determines the offset of the smart gateway tunnel interfaces mark that are
# used in the policy routing rules in a multi-gateway setup. Only relevant
# when a multi-gateway setup is used.
# The ranges [egress offset, egress offset + egress count] and
# [tunnel offset, tunnel offset + use count] are not allowed to overlap.
# (default is 101)

# SmartGatewayMarkOffsetTunnels 101

# Allows the selection of a smartgateway with NAT (only for IPv4)
# (default is "yes")

# SmartGatewayAllowNAT yes

# Determines the period (in milliseconds) on which a new smart gateway
# selection is performed.
# (default is 10000 milliseconds)

# SmartGatewayPeriod 10000

# Determines the number of times the link state database must be stable
# before a new smart gateway is selected.
# (default is 6)

# SmartGatewayStableCount 6

# When another gateway than the current one has a cost of less than the cost
# of the current gateway multiplied by SmartGatewayThreshold then the smart
# gateway is switched to the other gateway. The unit is percentage.
# (defaults to 0)

# SmartGatewayThreshold  0

# The weighing factor for the gateway uplink bandwidth (exit link, uplink).
# See README-Olsr-Extensions for a description of smart gateways.
# (default is 1)

# SmartGatewayWeightExitLinkUp  1

# The weighing factor for the gateway downlink bandwidth (exit link, downlink).
# See README-Olsr-Extensions for a description of smart gateways.
# (default is 1)

# SmartGatewayWeightExitLinkDown  1

# The weighing factor for the ETX costs.
# See README-Olsr-Extensions for a description of smart gateways.
# (default is 1)

# SmartGatewayWeightEtx  1

# The divider for the ETX costs.
# See README-Olsr-Extensions for a description of smart gateways.
# (default is 0)

# SmartGatewayDividerEtx  0

# Defines what kind of Uplink this node will publish as a
# smartgateway. The existence of the uplink is detected by
# a route to, ::ffff:0:0/96 and/or 2000::/3.
# possible values are "none", "ipv4", "ipv6", "both"
# (default is "both")

# SmartGatewayUplink "both"

# Specifies if the local ipv4 uplink use NAT
# (default is "yes")

# SmartGatewayUplinkNAT yes

# Specifies the speed of the uplink in kilobit/s.
# First parameter is upstream, second parameter is downstream
# (default is 128/1024)

# SmartGatewaySpeed 128 1024

# Specifies the EXTERNAL ipv6 prefix of the uplink. A prefix
# length of more than 64 is not allowed.
# (default is 0::/0

# SmartGatewayPrefix

### OLSR protocol settings ###

# For testing purposes it may be nice to use another port for olsrd
# for using another port than the IANA assigned one 
# for a production network, there should be a good reason!!
# valid values are integers >1, please be careful with using reserved
# port numbers
# (default is 698, the IANA assigned olsr-port)

# OlsrPort 698

# Sets the main IP (originator ip) of the router. This IP will NEVER
# change during the uptime of olsrd.
# (default is, which triggers usage of the IP of the first interface)


# The fixed willingness to use (0-7)
# If not set willingness will be calculated
# dynamically based on battery/power status
# (default is 3)

Willingness     7

# HNA (Host network association) allows the OLSR to announce
# additional IPs or IP subnets to the net that are reachable
# through this node.
# Syntax for HNA4 is "network-address    network-mask"
# Syntax for HNA6 is "network-address    prefix-length"
# (default is no HNA)

# Hysteresis for link sensing (only for hopcount metric)
# Hysteresis adds more robustness to the link sensing
# but delays neighbor registration.
# (defaults to yes)

# UseHysteresis no

# Hysteresis parameters (only for hopcount metric)
# Do not alter these unless you know what you are doing!
# Set to auto by default. Allowed values are floating point
# values in the interval 0,1
# THR_LOW must always be lower than THR_HIGH!!
# (default is 0.5/0.8/0.3)

# HystScaling  0.50
# HystThrHigh  0.80
# HystThrLow  0.30

# TC redundancy
# Specifies how much neighbor info should be sent in
# TC messages. Because of a design problem in the 0.5.x
# dijkstra implementation this value must be set to 2.
# 2 - send all neighbors
# (default is 2)

# TcRedundancy  2

# MPR coverage specifies how many MPRs a node should
# try select to reach every 2 hop neighbor. Because of
# a design problem in the 0.5.x dijkstra algorithm this
# value should be set to 7.
# (default is 7)

MprCoverage 5

### OLSR protocol extensions ###

# Link quality level switch between hopcount and 
# cost-based (mostly ETX) routing. Because of
# a design problem in the 0.5.x dijkstra algorithm this
# value should not be set to 1.
# 0 = do not use link quality
# 2 = use link quality for MPR selection and routing
# (default is 2)

# LinkQualityLevel 2

# Link quality algorithm (only for lq level 2)
# (see README-Olsr-Extensions)
# - "etx_float", a floating point  ETX with exponential aging
# - "etx_fpm", same as ext_float, but with integer arithmetic
# - "etx_ff" (ETX freifunk), an etx variant which use all OLSR
#   traffic (instead of only hellos) for ETX calculation
# - "etx_ffeth", an incompatible variant of etx_ff that allows
#   ethernet links with ETX 0.1.
# (defaults to "etx_ff")

# LinkQualityAlgorithm    "etx_ff"

# Link quality aging factor (only for lq level 2)
# Tuning parameter for etx_float and etx_fpm, smaller values
# mean slower changes of ETX value. (allowed values are
# between 0.01 and 1.0)
# (default is 0.05)

# LinkQualityAging 0.05

# Fisheye mechanism for TCs (0 meansoff, 1 means on)
# (default is 1)

# LinkQualityFishEye  1

# NatThreshold 
# (currently this is only in the freifunk firmware)
# If the NAT-Endpoint (the preferred 0/0 HNA emitting node)
# is to be changed, the ETX value of the current 0/0 is 
# multiplied with the NatThreshold value before being
# compared to the new one.
# The parameter can be a value between 0.1 and 1.0, but
# should be close to 1.0 if changed.
# WARNING: This parameter should not be used together with
# the etx_ffeth metric !!
# (defaults to 1.0)

# NatThreshold  1.0

### Configuration of the IPC to the windows GUI interface ###

    # Determines how many simultaneously
    # IPC connections that will be allowed
    # Setting this to 0 disables IPC

  # MaxConnections  0

    # By default only is allowed
    # to connect. Here allowed hosts and networks can
    # be added


### Example plugin configurations ###
# Olsrd plugins to load
# This must be the absolute path to the file
# or the loader will use the following scheme:
# - Try the paths in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH 
#   environment variable.
# - The list of libraries cached in /etc/ld.so.cache
# - /lib, followed by /usr/lib

LoadPlugin "olsrd_httpinfo.so.0.1" {
    PlParam "Net"	""
    PlParam "Port"	"80"

### OLSRD default interface configuration ###
# the default interface section can have the same values as the following
# interface configuration. It will allow you so set common options for all
# interfaces.


### OLSRd Interfaces configuration ###
# multiple interfaces can be specified for a single configuration block
# multiple configuration blocks can be specified

Interface "wlan0"
    # Interface Mode is used to prevent unnecessary
    # packet forwarding on switched ethernet interfaces
    # valid Modes are "mesh" and "ether"
    # (default is "mesh")
    # Mode "mesh"
    # IPv4 broadcast address for outgoing OLSR packets.
    # One useful example would be
    # The second useful value would be to
    # specify the peer address of an ptp-tunnel.
    # another name of this parameter is "IPv4Multicast"
    # (default is, which triggers the usage of the
    # interface broadcast IP)
    # Ip4Broadcast
    # IPv6 multicast address
    # (default is FF02::6D, the manet-router linklocal multicast)
    # IPv6Multicast ff02::6d
    # IPv4 src address for outgoing OLSR packages
    # (default is, which triggers usage of the interface IP)
    # IPv4Src
    # IPv6 src prefix. OLSRd will choose one of the interface IPs
    # which matches the prefix of this parameter.
    # (default is 0::/0, which triggers the usage
    # of a not-linklocal interface IP)
    # IPv6Src ::
    # Emission intervals in seconds.
    # If not defined, Freifunk network defaults are used
    # (default is 2.0/20.0 for Hello and 5.0/300.0 for Tc/Mid/Hna)
    # HelloInterval       2.0
    # HelloValidityTime   20.0
    # TcInterval          5.0
    # TcValidityTime      300.0
    # MidInterval         5.0
    # MidValidityTime     300.0
    # HnaInterval         5.0
    # HnaValidityTime     300.0
    # When multiple links exist between hosts
    # the weight of interface is used to determine
    # the link to use. Normally the weight is
    # automatically calculated by olsrd based
    # on the characteristics of the interface,
    # but here you can specify a fixed value.
    # Olsrd will choose links with the lowest value.
    # Note:
    # Interface weight is used only when LinkQualityLevel is set to 0.
    # For any other value of LinkQualityLevel, the interface ETX
    # value is used instead.
    # Weight 0
    # If a certain route should be preferred
    # or ignored by the mesh, the Link Quality
    # value of a node can be multiplied with a factor
    # entered here. In the example the route
    # using would rather be ignored.
    # A multiplier of 0.5 will result in a small
    # (bad) LinkQuality value and a high (bad)
    # ETX value.
    # Note:
    # Link quality multiplier is used only when
    # LinkQualityLevel is > 0.
    # LinkQualityMult 0.5
Interface "eth1"
    HelloInterval       5.0
    HelloValidityTime   125.0
    TcInterval          2.0
    TcValidityTime      256.0
    MidInterval         30.0
    MidValidityTime     500.0
    HnaInterval         30.0
    HnaValidityTime     500.0